Yodave, your writing is getting better, too bad that doesn't go for your content. But, progress is progress. Seriously, though just write your response in MS WORD, do the spelling/grammar check, then copy/patse...That way people do not have to decipher what you are trying to say before they rip it to shreds. That is what I do; it doesn't get all of my errors, but catchs most.
I have just noticed that the news in America, can be somewhat balanced. Those in here who always claim it is pushing some kind of pro-war agenda are mainly wrong. The American media is extreme Islam's best friend. They love to find fault with the government, corrupt officials, and scrutinize the U.S. military's action intensely (good and bad). When the Abu, Garib prison photos surface, they jumped on it like Oprah on a baked ham. And where are those involved? Getting their asses punished. I am not saying the U.S. media is perfect, and you should always cross reference between multiple sources, but they are doing ok.
One thing I think they do wrong is try to instill tension by showing mostly negative aspects of situations (foreign and domestic) to get viewers. Secondly, the jump the gun when they have few facts trying to get ahead of their competition (as with New Orleans).But as long as you are not a dolt, you should be able to discern when they may be trying to embellish. If you believe everything you are told without a critical analysis you are a tool.
I think that is the key to life in general, think things through for yourself. Just because it is published in a book or online, or has been presented on television, doesn't mean it's true, or applies to you.
Moderators: Cell_Leader, ikaotiki, Julstar