A new online store selling kinky battery-operated sex toys and bondage gear is aimed exclusively at Orthodox Jewish couples looking to spice up their sex lives.
The shop is hoping to capture the interest of conservative couples hesitant to visit seedy web sites that might feature explicit pictures, which would be forbidden to them.

KosherSexToys.net sells vibrators, lubricants and fetish gear but has no raunchy photos.
The site’s founder, Gavriel, told the New York Post: 'There’s nothing wrong with using a vibrator. It’s just a pain in the neck for an Orthodox Jew to find one.
'Even going to Amazon is tough because there are pictures we have no interest in seeing.'
Twenty-five-year-old Gavriel, who asked to be identified only by his middle name, launched the site earlier this month after he and his wife found themselves curious about sex toys but unwilling to visit tawdry Web sites.
He said: 'We were thinking, ‘Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a place we could go that would be clean and would enhance what we have between us?’
Although the products are similar to those in typical adult online stores, KosherSexToys has an ultra simple black and grey layout with no photos beside those of the toys, lotions and other sexual enhancers.
Plans are also under way to add a lingerie line, but the founder is first searching for a way to display the underwear without mannequins.

Gavriel claims his store is already doing steady business with furry handcuffs a best seller.
But not everyone thinks his site is kosher.
Hasidic community leader Isaac Abraham said: It’s not even worth a comment, not the site or the person -- and I mean that in a negative way.'
For others including Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, author of the book 'Kosher Sex,' the contradiction between Orthodox Jews and wild sex is misinterpreted.
'The greatest misconception in pop culture is that religious people are pious in bed,' he said. 'In fact, Orthodox Jewish couples are taught, once they get engaged, to have phenomenal, shout-out-loud, swinging-from-the-chandelier sex.'
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... r-sex.html